Tinkers' Construct Wiki

Tinkers' Construct is a special mod in that it can make different alloys. Alloys are stronger materials that can be obtained by mixing metals in the Smeltery. These ingredients required to make these alloys are listed below. Tinkers' Construct can also make some alloys from other mods, e.g. Invar from the Thermal Expansion  mod. Unless modified via custom recipes it should use the same ratios as well.

The different alloys Tinkers' Construct adds are:

  • Aluminum Brass - 3 Aluminum and 1 Copper, makes 4 ingots.
  • Alumite - 1 Obsidian, 2 Iron and 5 Aluminum., makes 3 ingots.
  • Bronze - 3 Copper to 1 Tin, makes 4 ingots.
  • Manyullyn - 1 Cobalt and 1 Ardite, makes 2 ingots.
  • Pig Iron - 80mb Blood, 640mb Emerald and 144mb Iron, makes 2 ingots.

(All these values asssume the use of ores in the smeltery)
